Adventure - Biography
Stan Schmidt - Meeting myself beyond spirit of the empty hand
C.W. Nicol - Moving Zen
Dave Hazard - Born Fighter
Gichin Funakoshi - Karate do my way of life
Technical - Books
Gichin Funakoshi - Karate Do Kyohan
Masatoshi Nakayama - Dynamic Karate
Masatoshi Nakayama - Best Karate series
Iain Abernethy - Karate Jutsu

Iain Abernethy - Karate's grappling methods

Bill Burger - Five years one kata
Lawrence A. Kane and Kris Wilder - The way of kata
John W. Titchen - Heian Flow systems
Elmar T. Schmeisser - Channan Heart of the Heians
Elmar T. Schmeisser - Advanced karate-do
Patrick McCarthy - Bubishi