Sunday, January 17, 2010

The 12 kata of Goju ryu Karate-do

Soke Chojun Miyagi master and founder of Goju Ryu karate-do

Thought it would be interesting to also have the Goju ryu kata on the blog, easy to compare and see the similarities and differences.

1. GEKISAI DAI ICHI KATA (to attack and destroy)

2. GEKISAI DAI NI KATA (to attack and destroy)

3. SAIFA KATA (To smash and tear to pieces)

4. SANCHIN KATA (three battles or conflicts)

Sensei Max Beddow of Broseley Goju Ryu Karate Club explains the Sanchin Kata

5. SEIYUNCHIN KATA (Control, supress and pull)

6. SHISOCHIN KATA (four gates)

7. Sanseru kata (36 hands)

8. SEPAI kata (18 hands)

9. KURURUNFA KATA (holding ground)

10. Seisan kata (13 hands)

11. SUPARINPEI kata (108 hands)

12. Tensho kata (Turning Palms).