sensei Keith Foskey 4th Dan Ryukyu Kempo
Sensei Keith Foskey is a very knowledgeable martial artist who has trained in a few different martial arts,
a. 4th dan Ryukyu Kempo - Okinawan karate
b. 1st dan shotokan karate
c. 1st Dan Modern Arnis
Sensei Foskey's approach to bunkai is second to none imo, i enjoyed watching his explanations very much.
Sensei Foskey runs his own martial arts school called
"Foskey's Martial Arts", here
Even though the kata are not pure shotokan all karateka that practice the heian kata will be able to relate to sensei Foskey's version.
I hope you enjoy sensei Keith Foskey's bunkai as much as i did, there is also some Arnis at the end.
Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan) - Bunkai
Kata Bunkai Pinan Nidan (Heian Shodan)
White - Orange Belt Pressure Points
Wrist Locks - Foskey's Martial Arts
Modern Arnis Sinawali Basics